Thomas is an intuitive coach, massage therapist, yoga teacher and professional dancer. For many years he has been searching in the field of spirituality for answers and the truth to himself. After several course, certifications, diplomas, in coaching, mediumship, healing, yoga and meditation he realized that the answer is always with in as oneself. No one else have the key to our path. The universal truth is now and within ones own experience. Everything we will ever need is right here in this very moment. The answers, the ideas, the guidance, the love and air to breath and keep you alive for a long time. The concept of lack and fear is so imprinted in us, and the idea of that some one else would have the answers to our own inner self is actually a little off.Thomas has been working intuitively with groups and individuals using coaching, healing and meditation to assist people on all levels in different areas in life. His greatest joy is to offer clarity and space and to share tools so people themselves can connect with their now hearts and true inner guidance. To gain confidence in ones own unique expression and universal abundance. Life is easy as breath if you are willing to let it work for you. Life happens now, will you receive it fully?This show will assist you to connect to your universal state of being, your natural birthright and divine abilities of wholeness, clarity and love. True enjoyment!

Solid ground on your path to enlightenment